This is the first programme
to specifically address improving
the culture of meetings
You have brilliant people in your business – does your meeting culture capitalise on that?
If you resonate with some of the following you will find it interesting to talk to us:
I struggle to know how to include everyone in meetings.
I'm unconfident leading meetings virtually.
What am I missing in needing to be more inclusive in how we work?
How can we build greater connection working in a hybrid format?
My heart sinks when I look at my diary, the back-to-backs are insane.
Meetings get dominated by the same people.
I go to too many 'update' meetings, it's boring.
We need more challenge and useful debate in our meetings
I rely on meetings to be boring so I can get other work done.
We can help you change this.
How it works

We're all human and there are lots of ways we resist change - at Drum we have stripped out as much of that as we can with just enough materials and as little instruction as possible and aimed to be very useful - and the feedback is people love that.
We have worked this very effectively with teams and departments.
We can deconstruct our process to work for your business.
Contact ginny@leaderdrums.com for more information on how it works.
Participant feedback
Picture a room of people, about 25, who are in different teams in a department. They've given
feedback that meetings are a challenge both with them and across the business.
Here's what they said after spending just one day with us